Rust Wiki

The Skill Tree was an upcoming feature of the XP System.

As of dev blog 99.1 the three-pronged skill system has changed to a new direction:

There was talk in the week about the skills system, and a worry that people are going to level up and have 1000 health and 500 jump height. We’ve actually talked ourselves out of the three-pronged skills system as mentioned in the roadmap. We want something a bit more bespoke, that we can get real specific about.

Damage TypesProjectiles
AnimalsBarrelsBiomesFloraLoot CratesMonumentsRocksTrees
Attack HelicopterAirdropsBuildingCombatCraftingGatheringRaidingRepairingResearching
Food & HungerHealthHydration & ThirstProtectionSleepingSpawning
ExperienceSkill TreeTech Tree
BleedingBuilding PrivilegeComfortInjuredPoisoningRadiationStarvation & DehydrationWarmthWet & DrowningWounded