The Pipe Shotgun had a longer range than the Hand Cannon and fired 6 pellets with each shot. It Used Handmade Shells as ammunition and held 1 shell per reload. It was replaced by the Waterpipe Shotgun.
With its slow reloading speed and only 1 shell per reload, it as a cheap replacement for the Shotgun. This was mainly effective for use when quickly hunting without fear of being caught (the sound carries far), or when only a single shot was needed to finish another player (this could work in groups or against naked hostiles).
Crafted with 50 Wood and 40 Metal Fragments on a Workbench.
The Pipe Shotgun done 144 damage when all 6 pellets hit the target, the following is the approximate amount of shots it required to kill specific animals.
- Deer - 1 Close Range Shot
- Bear - 2 Close Range Shots
- Boar - 1 Close Range Shot
- Wolf - 1 Close Range Shot
When reloading, the player put in a shotgun shell, while pipe shotgun only used handcrafted shells.