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The P250 is a craftable weapon which holds up to 8 9mm rounds in its magazine. It requires 12 Low Quality Metal to craft, which equates to 180 metal fragments.


The P250 does slightly more damage than the 9mm Pistol allowing it to be a 3 shot kill rather than a 4 shot (if no Armor), but at the cost of a smaller magazine capacity. This is a good weapon for accurate shooters and those who prefer a stronger side arm.

It is not preferred over the Shotgun, even though it has the same cost the shotgun is better; players also have the P250's 9mm ammo researched at the start of the game, but not the shotgun shells learnt, but you can find a research kit off a rad wolf and shotgun shells in a common crate in small rad and you already know it.


  • The P250 is based on the Sig Sauer P250, chambered in 9x19mm.
  • It is the highest damaging pistol in the game, if you do not include the Hand Cannon.

Legacy Items
556 Ammo9mm AmmoArrowHandmade ShellShotgun Shells
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