The Oil Rig is a Monument located at sea.
The Oil Rig is protected by up to 16 Scientists. Upon killing these people, their corpse can be looted. (see more: Scientist)
The Oil Rig can contain up to 31 Loot Crates - excluding the ones inside the Puzzle Areas. These can contain low and middle tier loot, such as food, healing, ammunition, weapons, etc.
It has 3 puzzle areas, green, blue and red, therefore to get in there, you will need all three kinds of Keycards. You don't need Electric Fuses on the Oil Rig.
Also upon killing the scientists protecting the Oil Rig, their corpse can be looted.
The Locked Crate event can be triggered here. Once started the hacking procedure, 6 Heavy Scientists will arrive on a Chinook.
The Oil Rig can be approached by driving a Boat or RHIB or flying with a Minicopter or a Scrap Transport Helicopter. It can also be approached by swimming there, but that is highly unrecommended.