—Information accurate as of: 904.83 Update
The LR-300 Assault Rifle is an automatic ranged weapon that can fire all 5.56 Rifle Ammo variants. It is an experimental weapon in that it has lower recoil and higher spread, as opposed to the Assault Rifle which has high recoil and low spread.
- Can be obtained from Crates, Bradley APC, Airdrops, Bandit Camp and Attack Helicopters.
- One of the most modern guns in Rust and can cost up to $19,800 in real life.
- The item's description is a possible reference to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series as the LR-300 is the most common 5.56 weapon in the series. LR300 can also be a reference to the ZM weapons LR300[1], an American made Rifle. [1]
- If recycled, you get 1 spring and 20 High Quality Metal.
- The weapon is bought at bandit camp or found in several loot crates. If you get hold of this weapon. You should add 2-3x sights for long range and medium range. Experienced players will be able to use it to shoot long distances automatically, though most players would find firing short bursts or tap firing to be more effective at longer ranges. Best used as a support gun or to pin the enemy in clan wars/raiding.