Rust Wiki

[EU/UK]Infinity|5x loot|PVE|No Decay|No Raiding[]


/backpack -- open your own backpack

/bank -- View own bank store more loot

/spawncar -- Spawns a car infront of you

 /clearcars -- Removes all saved cars

/chute -- Attach a parachute to player at there current location to float back down

 /chuteup -- Teleport you up high and then adds parachute to you to float back downJUMP BUTTON - pressing this while chuting, will cut away your current Chute and you will freefall. RELOAD BUTTON -- pressing this button after releasing your Chute will open a new one.

/mymini -- Spawn a minicopter

/nomini -- Despawn your minicopter

/callheli -- command that calls helicopter you(and team/friends) who called it. Helicopter doesn't target anybody else.

/pm <name> <message> -- Send a private message to player

/qlock -- Add codelock on your quarries! You need to have codelock in your inventory, then runs command /qlock and set code to it.

/remove -- look at building block you placed left click to remove your object

/trade "partial or full player name" -- Send a trade request to specified player

 /trade accept -- Accept the most recent trade request

 /horse - attempts to spawn a horse at the point you are looking at

 /nightvision -- Toggle night vision on/off
