High Quality Bag[]

High Quality Bag
Bags contain clothes. This is a high quality bag, which means the clothes in this bag are higher quality than in the low quality bag.
The High Quality Bag can be crafted by using 70x Cloth, 5x Wood, 1x Metal
It is commonly accepted that the High Quality Bag can drop any of marketable clothing or armour skin in the game, including non clothes such as satchel charge skins and notable drops such as the grin facemask, punishment mask, fire jacket, etc.
Due to the origional descrpition it is possible that the facepunch tshirt is on a less common drop table then the remainder of the items
Currently, in November 2021, there are 969 Clothing and Armor pieces listed on the steam marketplace. If we remove the 52 items in the Low Quality Bag that makes the odds of recieving any one item 1/917
The original description for the High Quality Bag stated:
Very expensive Items:
- Facepunch TShirt
Rare Items:
- 60's Army Jacket
- Aztec Long T-Shirt
- Baseball Tshirt
- Big Grin
- Black Tshirt
- Burlap Brains Balaclava
- Checkered Balacalava
- Christmas Jumper
- Creepy Clown Bandana
- Creepy Jack
- Double Yellow Balaclava
- Forest Camo Chest Plate
- Friendly Cap
- German Tshirt
- Glowing Skull
- Hackery Valley Veteran
- Merry Reindeer
- Missing Textures Tshirt
- Rangers Vest
- Rasta Beanie
- Red checkered Balclava
- Red Skull Bandana
- Rescue Cap
- Rorschach Skull
- Russia Tshirt
- Sign Painter
- Skeleton Hoodie
- Smile Tshirt
- Stitched Skin
- Target Practice Tshirt
- The Rust Knight
- Urban Camo
- Urban Camo Jacket
- Valentine Balaclava
- Winter Deers
- Wizard Bandana
- Zipper Face
Updates to Loot Crates
November 10, 2016 - added high quality skin bags https://rustafied.squarespace.com/?offset=1479245985042&category=Updates
November 17, 2016 - New image and modified descriptions https://www.rustafied.com/updates/2016/11/17/balance-skins-and-fixes-incoming
November 27, 2016 - added Weapons Barrel https://www.rustafied.com/updates/2016/11/29/m92-and-so-long-military-grade-crafting