Rust Wiki

Animal Fat[]

Animal fat is collected by hatcheting dead animals such as:

When using a hatchet on one of these dead animals you will receive a random number of animal fat, while also getting Cloth, Leather, Raw Chicken Breast and Blood. Only Bears drop Leather.

Animal fat is used in the crafting recipe for Low Grade Fuel, which is used for the Furnace, Repair Bench, and Explosives.


Cloth was a material which could be used to craft certain Armor and other essential items.


Cloth could be obtained by harvesting Animals. It could also be obtained via loots drops from Mutated Animal and certain Loot Crates.


Cloth was used in crafting the following items:

Note: Additionally, it could also be turned into Leather by cooking it in a Furnace.


Explosives are only used to create Explosive Charges.

Obtaining Explosives[]

Along with Supply Signals, Explosives can only be found in airdrop crates, making them one of the rarest items in the game. Once found, explosives can be researched by players and then crafted.

There are no existing blueprints for Explosives.

You can use a research kit on explosives.

Crafting Explosives[]

The resources required to make Explosives are:

15 Explosives, 1 Flare, and 5 Leather can then used to craft an Explosive Charge.


Gunpowder is a resource that can be used to create ammunition.

You need 3 Gunpowder and 1 Metal Fragments to create 9mm Ammo, 1 Gunpowder and 2 Metal Fragments for 556 Ammo, and 5 Gunpowder and 1 Stone for a Handmade Shell. Gunpowder is also used in crafting explosives.


Leather was a material which could be used to craft several mid-tier Armor items.


Leather could be obtained by harvesting a Bear. It could also be created by cooking Cloth in a Furnace.


Leather was used in crafting the following items:

Metal Fragments[]

Other then being refined in a furnace, metal fragments can be obtained by:

Metal Fragments Crafting[]

Metal fragments can be crafted into:

Metal Ore[]

Metal ore is a resource that can be obtained by mining the large rocks that spawn in the world.

Respawn Rate[]

The actual specific details on what resources spawn where and how are not yet fully understood.

What is known, all resource spawn rates are linked. Meaning that if you only gather metal ore and leave all other resources be, eventually there will be no ore spawning.

Refining Metal Ore[]

A furnace is used to refine ores.

This is done by adding wood or low grade fuel plus the ore to the furnace. Ignite it and the ores will slowly start to turn into metal fragments. The yield per 2 metal ore is between 3-8 metal fragments with an average of 6 metal fragments.


Paper is a resource found in loot crates and it is craftable if researched.

It costs 100 wood to make a single piece of paper.

Paper is useless. Research Kits previously required paper, but was changed in a legacy update.


Stones are used as a crafting material.


Stones can be obtained by mining Rocks.


Stones are needed to craft:


You can gain sulfur by smelting Sulfur Ore in a furnace, you will obtain on average 4-8 Sulfur per ore.

Respawn Rate[]

The actual specific details on what resources drop where and how are not yet fully understood.

What is known, all resource spawn rates are linked. Meaning that if you only gather metal ore and leave all other resources eventually there will be no metal ore spawning.

Sulfur Ore[]

Sulfur ore is obtained by mining Mineral Rocks using a Melee Weapon. It can be refined to sulfur by putting it in a Furnace.


Wood was one of the most common, useful and basic resources in Legacy. It could be used to craft Camp Fires, Wood Barricades, Wood Doors and many other items, as seen below.


Wood could be gathered in two ways:

  1. Players could cut down Trees with the Hatchet, Stone Hatchet or your beginner Rock; doing it this way only earned them 1 Wood every hit (with Rock), or 1 Wood every few hits (with Hatchets), a very slow way to do it. Hitting a tree with a Pick Axe would give them 2 Wood instead of 1 every 2 hits.
  2. Wood Piles contained huge amounts of easy to harvest Wood: Each wood pile yielded about ~70-100 wood. Therefore wood piles were several times more efficient compared to manually harvesting trees - tools would harvest them even faster.


Wood was essential to craft the following structural and essential items:

Wood was also essential for crafting Wood Planks which were necessary to craft wooden structural items such as the Wood Foundation, Wood Wall, etc.

Additionally, Wood was also used to craft Stone Hatchets, Hatchets, Torchs and many other items, as visualized in the Legacy Items category.

Note: If the player had access to a Workbench then these crafting times were reduced by 66%.

Respawn Rate[]

Unfortunately, the actual specific details on what resources drop where and how are not fully understood. Changes and updates made to Legacy also impeded this understanding, as the drop rates and yields may have been altered over time.

What is known, all resource spawn rates are linked. Meaning that if you only gather wood from Wood Piles and leave all other resources, then eventually there will be less (or no) Wood Piles re-spawning. However, Trees in Legacy could perhaps regenerate their wood after a certain period of time, but this is not confirmed.


Wood Storage[]

The Large Wood Storage is a larger version of the Wood Storage Box and is capable of containing more items.


The Large Wood Storage can be crafted using 60 wood, however you must first find a Blueprint or use a Research Kit to have access to crafting this item. 


To use the Large Wood Storage you must move the item to your hotbar and then move your mouse around until the red box becomes green (Indicating that it can be placed). 

It can also be destroyed with approximately 18 hits from a pickaxe.


Storage Boxes can be accessed by other players, so placing Storage Boxes inside your house is a recommended idea.

Legacy Items
556 Ammo9mm AmmoArrowHandmade ShellShotgun Shells
Cloth BootsCloth HelmetCloth PantsCloth VestInvisible BootsInvisible HelmetInvisible PantsInvisible VestKevlar BootsKevlar HelmetKevlar PantsKevlar VestLeather BootsLeather HelmetLeather PantsLeather VestRad Suit BootsRad Suit HelmetRad Suit PantsRad Suit Vest
Can of BeansCan of TunaChocolate BarCooked Chicken BreastGranola BarRaw Chicken BreastSmall Rations
Anti-Radiation PillsBandageLarge MedkitSmall Medkit
Flashlight ModHolo sightLaser SightSilencer
Metal CeilingMetal DoorwayMetal FoundationMetal PillarMetal RampMetal StairsMetal WallMetal WindowMetal WindowMetal Window BarsWood CeilingWood DoorwayWood FoundationWood PillarWood RampWood StairsWood WallWood Window
Animal FatBloodClothExplosivesGunpowderLeatherMetal FragmentsMetal OrePaperStonesSulfurSulfur OreWoodWood Planks
BedCamp FireFurnaceLarge Spike WallLarge Wood StorageLow Grade FuelLow Quality MetalMetal DoorRepair BenchSleeping BagSmall StashSpike WallTorchWood BarricadeWood GateWood GatewayWood ShelterWood Storage BoxWooden DoorWorkbench
Blood Draw KitHandmade LockpickRecycle KitResearch KitSupply Signal
9mm PistolBolt Action RifleExplosive ChargeF1 GrenadeHand CannonHatchetHunting BowM4MP5A4P250Pick AxePipe ShotgunRevolverRockShotgunStone HatchetUber HatchetUber Hunting Bow