Rust Wiki

The Explosive Charge (commonly called "C4" or "Satchel Charge") is a craftable explosive weapon that can be placed on walls and doors. It takes one C4 charge to destroy a Wood Door and two for a Metal Door when placed in the center. C4 will deal damage to anyone standing within a close proximity when it explodes.

Explosive Charges are not to be confused with Explosives!


Explosive Charges can be found as rare drops in green and Silver/YellowLoot Crates (commonly found in rad areas), and are also rarely dropped by Mutant Bears & Wolves, whereas Airdrops commonly contain up to 2 of them per crate. 


The explosive charge needs to be researched before being crafted.

It requires:

The materials required in order to craft 1 Explosive Charge from scratch is (note: you need a crafting table to craft some of these):

(Not including Low Grade Fuel or Wood used in Furnace)


Explosives Needed Per Structure:

  • All structures take decay damage over time, results may vary!

Wood Shelter : 2 Explosive Charge

Wood Door : 1 Explosive Charge

Wood Wall : 2-3 Explosive Charges

Metal Door : 2-3 Explosive Charges

Metal Wall : 3-4 Explosive Charges

Wood Doorway: 2-3 Explosive Charges

metal bars: 2-4

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