Rust Wiki

Experience or XP was part of the XP System. It could be earned by crafting an item for the first time; harvesting wood or mining rocks, breaking barrels, giving items to other players that will use them, or picking up loose resources on the ground (such as hemp and ore). The same activities would yield less XP when performed repeatedly.

Players that died retained all their XP; it was expected to change until the removal of the system in its entirety.

Experience is no longer in development.

Damage TypesProjectiles
AnimalsBarrelsBiomesFloraLoot CratesMonumentsRocksTrees
Attack HelicopterAirdropsBuildingCombatCraftingGatheringRaidingRepairingResearching
Food & HungerHealthHydration & ThirstProtectionSleepingSpawning
ExperienceSkill TreeTech Tree
BleedingBuilding PrivilegeComfortInjuredPoisoningRadiationStarvation & DehydrationWarmthWet & DrowningWounded