Rust Wiki

Elite Tier Crates can be found at the Launch Site, Military Tunnels and the Oil Rig monuments. These crates contain loot that tends to be more rare than red toolboxes and military crates. These crates when compared to the military crates may be about the same in loot quantity and items but they may also contain more items than military crates, it really just depends but chances are elite crates will contain more loot than any other crate. The elite crate has a 15 minute spawn rate, and at the launch site, can be found 1 to 2 times in one run.

Modded Servers can vary the amount of loot, quality of loot, and the chances of loot in the crates.

Possible items + Chances of that item:

Items with no Item Amount are stacks of 1

Items with the condition "-" don't own a durability level

Item Amount Item Condition Category Chance
×5-11 12 Gauge Buckshot - Ammunition 10 %
16x Zoom Scope - Weapon 0.2 %
×8-50 5.56 Rifle Ammo - Ammunition 2 %
8x Zoom Scope - Weapon 3 %
×1-2 AND Switch 100 % Electrical 1 %
Armored Door 100 % Construction 3 %
Armored Double Door 100 % Construction 3 %
Assault Rifle 10–20 % Weapon 3 %
Auto Turret 100 % Electrical 1 %
Beancan Grenade - Weapon 2 %
Bolt Action Rifle 1–5 % Weapon 3 %
Boots - Attire 1 %
×1-3 CCTV Camera - Resources 13 %
Chainsaw 100 % Tool 1 %
Coffee Can Helmet 100 % Attire 1 %
Combat Knife 100 % Weapon 2 %
Computer Station 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Concrete Barricade - Construction 1 %
×1-2 Counter 100 % Electrical 1 %
Crossbow 20–50 % Weapon 2 %
Custom SMG 10 % Weapon 2 %
Double Barrel Shotgun 10 % Weapon 9 %
×1-2 Elevator 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Explosives - Resources 3 %
×1-4 F1 Grenade - Weapon 5 %
Flame Thrower 0–2 % Weapon 2 %
Garage Door 100 % Construction 1 %
HBHF Sensor 100 % Electrical 1 %
Hazmat Suit 100 % Attire 1 %
Heavy Plate Helmet 100 % Attire 1 %
Heavy Plate Jacket 100 % Attire 1 %
Heavy Plate Pants 100 % Attire 1 %
High External Stone Gate - Construction 1 %
×1-2 High External Stone Wall - Construction 1 %
High Quality Horse Shoes 100 % Attire 1 %
×15-72 High Quality Metal - Resources 28 %
Holosight - Weapon 1 %
Hoodie - Attire 1 %
L96 Rifle 1–5 % Weapon 0.2 %
LR-300 Assault Rifle 51–100 % Weapon 0.2 %
Ladder Hatch 100 % Construction 1 %
×1-2 Land Mine - Traps 1 %
Large Furnace - Items 1 %
Large Medkit - Medical 1 %
Large Rechargable Battery 100 % Electrical 1 %
Large Water Catcher - Construction 1 %
×1-2 Laser Detector 100 % Electrical 1 %
Locker - Items 1 %
Longsword 100 % Weapon 3 %
×35 Low Grade Fuel - Resources 2 %
M39 Rifle 10–20 % Weapon 0.3 %
M92 Pistol 20–30 % Weapon 1 %
MP5A4 10–20 % Weapon 3 %
Mace 100 % Weapon 2 %
×1-2 Medical Syringe - Medical 1 %
Medium Rechargable Battery 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Memory Cell 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Metal Barricade - Construction 1 %
Metal Chest Plate 100 % Attire 3 %
Metal Facemask 100 % Attire 3 %
×5-15 Metal Pipe - Component 28 %
×1-2 Metal Vertical embrasure 100 % Construction 1 %
×1-2 Metal horizontal embrasure 100 % Construction 1 %
Modular Car Lift - Electrical 1 %
Muzzle Boost 100 % Weapon 1 %
Muzzle Brake 100 % Weapon 1 %
Nailgun 10–20 % Weapon 2 %
Night Vision Goggles 100 % Attire 1 %
×15-30 Pistol Bullet - Ammunition 4 %
Powered Water Purifier - Electrical 1 %
Prison Cell Gate 100 % Construction 1 %
×1-2 Prison Cell Wall 100 % Construction 1 %
Pump Shotgun 1–3 % Weapon 1 %
Python Revolver 10 % Weapon 1 %
×1-2 RAND Switch 100 % Electrical 1 %
RF Broadcaster 100 % Electrical 1 %
RF Pager 100 % Electrical 1 %
RF Receiver 100 % Electrical 1 %
RF Transmitter 100 % Tool 1 %
×1-2 Reinforced Glass Window 100 % Construction 3 %
Revolver 10–20 % Weapon 2 %
×1-3 Rifle Body - Component 28 %
Road Sign Jacket 100 % Attire 1 %
Road Sign Kilt 100 % Attire 1 %
Roadsign Gloves - Attire 1 %
Roadsign Horse Armor 100 % Attire 1 %
Rocket Launcher 100 % Weapon 1 %
×1-3 SMG Body - Component 28 %
Salvaged Axe 100 % Tool 1 %
Salvaged Cleaver 100 % Weapon 2 %
Salvaged Icepick 100 % Tool 1 %
×25 Scrap - Resources 100 %
Search Light - Electrical 1 %
Semi-Automatic Pistol 10–20 % Weapon 1 %
Semi-Automatic Rifle 10–20 % Weapon 1 %
Silencer 100 % Weapon 2 %
Simple Handmade Sight - Weapon 2 %
Small Generator 100 % Electrical 1 %
Small Oil Refinery - Items 1 %
×1-2 Smart Alarm 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Smart Switch 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Smoke Grenade - Tool 1 %
Spas-12 Shotgun 1–3 % Weapon 1 %
Stone Spear 100 % Weapon 2 %
Storage Monitor 100 % Electrical 1 %
×1-2 Strengthened Glass Window 100 % Construction 1 %
Supply Signal - Tool 4 %
×1-3 Targeting Computer - Resources 16 %
×2-9 Tech Trash - Component 28 %
×1-2 Tesla Coil 100 % Electrical 1 %
Thompson 10–20 % Weapon 2 %
×1-2 Timed Explosive Charge - Tool 3 %
Triangle Ladder Hatch 100 % Construction 1 %
Water Pump - Electrical 1 %
Waterpipe Shotgun 25–75 % Weapon 2 %
Weapon Lasersight - Weapon 3 %
Weapon flashlight - Weapon 2 %
Wind Turbine - Electrical 1 %